Fixtape Volume 45 is a special one for us. To start, its the first Fixtape of 2016 and we really can’t think of a better way to start the year off than by sharing a piping hot new mix with you. But the real reason this Fixtape is so special is that it features two artists that we’ve had somewhat of a love affair/man crush with for the past 5 years.
Wind back the clock to 2011, before we ever had a place to call home, we spent countless hours and endured many sleepless nights in our friends living rooms trying to turn this bicycle dream of ours into a reality. One afternoon, we stumbled across an open office in a random back alley in Venice, and somehow convinced the landlord to lease the space to us for what seemed like a few pieces of lint and some coins in our pocket.
To celebrate our first official move into Venice, we decided to celebrate the only way we knew how — throw a fucking rager. And guess who helped throw our first party and pave the way the Solé Fixtape Series as we know it? Yup, you guessed it, none other than our friends and guests of Fixtape Volume 45 — Bag Raiders. We’ve waited a long time for these guys to join the Fixtape Family and couldn’t be more stoked to share this one with you.