Wait, whats that?? You thought we were just going to let you cultivate your upper-lip tickler, only to let it blow majestically in the wind without anything to groove to? No way man. On behalf of all you Mo growers, we are pleased to bring you our monthly Fixtape, courtesy of yours truly, Solé Bicycles. This month we’ve partnered up with Movember to help find a cure for prostate cancer — like we need another reason to grow out our stachios. Don’t know what Movember is? Get outta yer konk shell and get amongst it. In fact, join our squad and help us creep out peeps and raise money at the same time.
How to make a Solé Fixtape by Gigamesh:
3 parts laser beam
2 parts time-traveling cosmonauts
1 part screeching pterodactyl
1 part moustache
1 part Gigamesh
Shake. Dance. Repeat.